i'll try my very best

Whenever You don't understand what's happening in your life. Just Close Your Eyes, take a deep breath and say: 
Ya ALLAH..I know it's YOUR Plan and I put my complete trust on YOU...Please guide me to the right way. please please
YA ALLAH..I cry out to YOU because I am Weak.
YA ALLAH..I cry out to YOU because I am Alone.
YA ALLAH..I cry out to YOU because I am Afraid
YA ALLAH..I cry out to YOU because I am Broken.
YA ALLAH..I cry out to YOU because I am Desperate.
YA ALLAH..I really need YOU in my Life.
Terkadang aku menitiskan air mata dan bersedih bukan kerana kehilanganmu,
tetapi kerana kadang2 aku lupa cara untuk tersenyum ketika sedang berusaha melupakanmu dari ingatanku..
jiwang ..
Tetap TERTAWA walau sebenarnya aku ingin MENANGIS..
Tetap TERSENYUM walau sebenarnya aku KECEWA..
Tetap KUAT walau sebenarnya aku sudah TAK SANGGUP lagi..
Tetap SEMANGAT walau aku TERTEKAN oleh masalah..
Dan yang terpenting tetap SABAR dan
memandang segalanya dgn POSITIF walau sebenar nya hatiku LEMAH
Ya ALLAH,semoga Engkau peliharalah HATI ku ini.
If I can't wait for the right person to come into my life.I'll try my best to be the right person to come into someone's life
 Nota diri
1) A busy life makes the prayers harder, but prayers make a hard & busy life easier! ...So let's be punctual in praying 5 times & be blessed with ease in all matters! 
2) Maybe it's not always about fixing something that's broken,maybe it's about starting over and creating something better....Forsure!
3) There’s no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen.In the right time and for the best reason....:) insyaAllah.. Sabar ath..

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