Meminta-minta kpd 4JJ1

Memulakan jurnal Kesyukuran dan Skrip buat Rusuk Kiriku
Insya4JJ1... dengan niat ingin mendapat redha Allah. Peluk Doa erat-erat.
2012 dan 1433 Hijrah.. Berubah | perubahan |
Sometimes there are worries and concerns in your heart, you need someone to speak to but those around you may not understand you, even if they understood your words, the words that will come out will not do justice to how you are feeling. 
Turn to Allah, for it is He who knows you better than yourself and knows how you are feeling. It is He who understands you and can help you more than anyone else
“Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yang turun dari langit, bersih dan suci. Jika ia jatuh pada tanah yang subur, di sana akan tumbuh kesucian hati, keikhlasan, setia, budi pekerti yang tinggi dan lain-lain perangai terpuji.”
― Hamka
Minta kepada Allah

wahai orang yang sedang bersedih hati,
wahai mereka yang suka berkeluh kesah
wahai mereka yang menangis,
wahai mereka yang kehilangan kekasih hati!
Wahai mereka yang merasa gagal,
ingat Allah,
ingatlah Tuhanmu!
Senandungkan namanya di bibirmu.
Ya Rabb,
I have not been grateful enough and would never have the capacity to appreciate all of Your Blessings upon me. Pls O Allah, pls have mercy on me upon the day I die. Pls forgive me.

Ya Rabb, pls make my heart be full of love for You in everything I do. Pls O Allah, grant me your Love and Mercy and the love of those who sincerely love You.

Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin
Some say :
#We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him...
But the Truth is ~ "He is Always on Time" But "We are Always in Hurry..

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