Bila tiada baru terasa..

8:50 a.m hari Ahad..
Sepatutnya sudah berangkat ke kelas . Lambat pulak arini sebab nak naik kereta baru kawan. Dia janji nak pick me up , tapi lambat sikit. Jadi tunggu je la.

Abah & Ibu serta adik-adik akan balik kampung harini. 
Sebelum pergi tadi dah salam ibu dan kiss ckit :)

Balik rumah pukul 1, rasa rumah tu kosong pulak. Sunyi je. 
Ya Allah untuk 5 Hari berikut ni. Aku sorang-sorang.

I feel all alone. Alone.

Puas satu-satu nama orang yang aku kenal, aku sebut.. semua ada hal masing-masing.
I dont have any name to call whenever i need them.

Two letters. What if..

My family not here anymore with me.
What will happen to me. Ya Allah, i need them. I Love them for whom they are.

Minta/Doa Allah jauhkan perkara yang buruk terhadap kami. Jangan duga kami dengan sesuatu yang kami tidak mampu untuk kami tanggung.

So, here me go. Alone 
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Perhaps they will coming back Home on that day. Please mom.
The Fridge are empty though.

Alot of Assignment to be done. Plus few slide for presentation need to be ready before the due.

Raining. Heavy rain today. Perut lapar. 

Ath : I need someone special to rely on .

untuk statement orang yang tak tengok kiri kanan semasa beri statement kejadian tsunami di jepun baru-baru ni. They making fun a.k.a stupid joke. Ultramen or Doremon. What the....
No, I'm not mad at them. Just don't think it's appropriate to make those statements. Pray for all human beings, pray so that we and they can see that when Allah says Kun fayakun, it WILL happen and find out what we can learn from this lesson. Be in their shoes and have sympathy to those who are unfortunate, Please!

1 comment:

Nina Zee said...

name yunk ta sebut pown kan? maklumler kite bkn anak dara da ta sesuai hang out dgn korg eyh?